Saint John Henry Newman Association of America

As of October 13, 2019, the Newman Association of America is titled the Saint John Henry Newman Association of America. The SJHNAA takes as its purpose the dissemination of  knowledge of the life, thought, and writings of John Henry Newman.This is done primarily through our annual Newman Conference held around the anniversary of Newman’s death (August 11th).

Become a member

Christ the King Retreat Center: King’s House

July 24-26, 2025

Newman the Priest

Conference flyer

Christ the King Treat Center
King’s House
Buffalo, Minnesota
July 24-26, 2025

Conference flyer

Conference brochure

Registration and Membership forms are below. Scroll down past the photo.

President: Ron Snyder, M.A., D.D.S.
Founder “Newman on Tap”

Vice President: Barbara Wyman M.A., M.F.A.

Assistant Professor of Classics, Associate Director of the Honors College

McNeese State University

Secretary: Bernadette Waterman-Ward

Professor of English, Director of the Masters Program

University of Dallas

Member: Fr. Joseph Pearce, M.Div., S.T.D.

Priest of the Oratory

Emeritus Members:

Msgr. Gerard H. McCarren
NAA Representative to Seton Hall

 Immaculate Conception Seminary

Dr. Edward Jeremy Miller


Kathrine J. Tweedel, Editor, The Newman News & Review

Join or renew your membership and receive our newsletter, The Newman News & Review.

 Newman On Tap is a rewarding entry to documents, links, discussion, and podcasts about St. John Henry Newman. The founder of this site is our board president, Ron Snyder.

13 October 2019

Note that conference registration, housing, and membership are separate items.

Conference registration

After you send your form, mail a check for your registration choice.

mail your check to:

Saint John Henry Newman Association
c/o The Office of the Provost
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ  07079

Make checks payable to Saint John Henry Newman Association

Conference presenters must hold a Newman Association membership.
Newman Association Membership

Membership Requirements:

Membership in the Saint John Henry Newman Association (SJHNA) is open to all those who are interested in the life, thought,and spirituality of John Henry Newman and want to learn more about him and his significance for the twenty-first century. This includes university and college professors, undergraduate and graduate students, priests, seminarians; those working in Newman Centers, Newman Clubs, campus ministry, women and men religious and lay women and men who want to pursue their interest in Newman.As an interdisciplinary association, membership is open to those in all intellectual disciplines and pastoral ministries.These include theology, philosophy, literature, history, sociology, psychology, political science, economics, business; pastoral theology, liberation theologies, women studies, ministry, as well as many others.Members are able to present papers at the annual national conferences of the SJHNA and receive copies of the SJHNA Newsletter, which is published bi-annually.

St. John Henry Newman


Membership Levels:

Student          $20.00

Basic              $50.00

Sponsor        $100.00

Patron           $150.00

Founder        $250.00

Fellow           $500.00

Gift Member $50.00


mail your check to:

Saint John Henry Newman Association
c/o The Office of the Provost
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ  07079

Make checks payable to Saint John Henry Newman Association